
When you have to go, it's usually all you can think about. Rift Gold But a surprising new study finds that a full bladder may actually be linked to better decision-making.

Researchers at the University of Twente in the Netherlands studied more than 500 college students to see whether signals the brain sends to a full bladder to go to the bathroom would "leak" into other inhibitory response systems, according to Reuters.

One group of participants had to drink five cups of water; the other had to only take a small sip from each of the five cups. After 40 minutes passed, RIFT Platinum the time it takes for water to get into the bladder, all the students had to take a test asking them to make choices.

Lead author Mirjam Tuk told Reuters that the subjects were asked to decide between a small monetary reward they'd receive right away and a larger sum they'd have to wait to get -- $18 tomorrow or $30 in 25 days.

"The number of times respondents opted for a later but larger reward was higher for people who experienced high bladder pressure," she said.

The participants also performed other exercises suggesting that those with full bladders had better impulse control.

"These findings seem to suggest that people possess a general inhibition system," Tuk wrote in the Psychological Science study. rift gold "The inhibition of various behaviors [motor and cognitive] seems to have its origin in the same neural area. Once inhibitory signals are sent, they are not completely bound to the focal task requiring inhibition, but spill over to other domains."

Urologist Dr. Sherman Silber said the research should be placed in the proper context.

"It does NOT mean that having a full bladder allows you to make better decisions," RIFT Platinum he told AOL Health. "Holding your urine intentionally will not in any way improve your judgment or performance."

But, he added, it could shed light on a potential link between personality type and frequency of trips to the bathroom.

"There could be a very interesting correlation between people who are infrequent voiders being more busy and more intense about their work and projects than those who are more frequent voiders," Silber said. Rift Gold"It would be an issue of just how well they can inhibit immediate urges to accomplish long-term better results."

Though she admits that she may be generalizing, RIFT Platinum Tuk suggests drinking a lot of water before making an important financial decision.

"People might be more likely to invest money in retirement funds instead of spending it on more short-term benefits, for example," rift gold she told Reuters. "Any type of financial decision-making might benefit from increased bladder control."

