Despite the fact that obesity rates are on the rise in the U.S., many women, in particular, Rift Gold often think their weight is healthy even when it's not.
And a new study out of the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston shows that such misperceptions about one's weight could be a deadly error, RIFT Platinum leading women to continue to eat poorly, gain more weight and eventually develop the complications of obesity, including diabetes and hypertension.
Researchers report that almost 25 percent of overweight women of child-bearing age don't believe they're overweight, or at least not to a degree that is dangerous. On the other hand, 16 percent of normal weight women also misperceive their body weight,RIFT Platinum often leading them to pursue dangerous and unnecessary dieting habits. The researchers' data is published in the December issue of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
"We were not surprised by the study results," corresponding author Dr.rift gold Mahbubur Rahman, assistant professor in the department of obstetrics and gynecology and Center for Interdiscliplinary Research in Women's Health, told AOL Health. That's in part because as the nation's obesity rate grows, it becomes more socially acceptable to be overweight and the truth can become more obscured.
Lead study author Dr. Abbey Berenson, professor in the department of obstetrics and gynecology agrees. RIFT Platinum"People compare themselves to those closest to them," she told AOL Health.
The study does show some cultural differences, however. While more than 80 percent of African American women and 75 percent of Hispanic American women meet the standards for being overweight or obese (meaning they have Body Mass Index ratings of 25 or more), rift gold women in these ethnic categories were less likely than Caucasian women to see themselves as overweight. "It is most likely a cultural difference," Berenson explains. "It's more acceptable in the media to be overweight if you're African American, for example."