
More than a third of U.S. adults sleep less than seven hours a night, RIFT Platinum and many of them report troubles concentrating, remembering and even driving.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported the statistics Thursday in two separate studies.

In one study, about 35 percent of people surveyed in 12 states said they slept less than seven hours a night, on average.

The second study based on a national survey found about 23 percent said they had trouble concentrating because they were tired. Rift Gold Another 18 percent struggled to remember things, and 11 percent had difficulty driving or commuting.

Furthermore, 48 percent of respondents reported snoring, 37.9 percent said admitted to unintentionally falling asleep during the day, and, RIFT Platinum more disturbingly, 4.7 percent reported nodding off or falling asleep while driving in the 30 days preceding the study.

The CDC said a multifaceted approach that includes increased public awareness and education and training in sleep medicine for health-care professionals is needed to combat the problem of sleeplessness. rift gold The agency recommended looking at how technology use and work policies affect sleep.

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