
Video EA on 'travelling the world' to bu

Next year's FIFA Street reboot isn't just about upping silky-skills to the max, EA Sports has travelled the world to recreate a diverse range of street football cultures, rule-sets and all."Street football's played differently across the whole world," creative director Gary Patterson told us at GamesCom. "We sent some researchers out to figure out how people are playing it, the style and what the game types are,DQ10 RMT.""We want the same core design to our football game. So, we're going to have 1 v 1 to 6 v 6 gameplay. We're also going to have Futsal, which is very popular in mainline Europe and South America For those of you who don't know what Futsal is, it's essentially indoor football but without the walls that might be utilised in a normal 5-aside match,メイプルストーリー RMT. The ball is also smaller and less bouncy than a typical football."We're also going to have some different rule-sets," Patterson continued. "Something that's very popular in freestyle football is you have a very small goal. You get one point for a goal but two points for a nutmeg."So it encourages that different style of play and we wanted to be authentic to the sport in that way as well."Watch the full interview with Patterson below to find out more about the new direction of FIFA Street. Watch in HD No comments yet,ドラクエ10 RMT, be the first! Tom Pakinkis

