
Gears of War 3 ending revealed by Old Spi

In a strange turn of events The Old Spice Guy may have just revealed the ending to Gears of War 3. Epic design director Cliff Bleszinski tweeted the macho shower show-off asking if his "ripping abs will bounce the bullets of the Locust Horde back upon them."If you're confused, don't be. This isn't just some random male bonding between the pair. The Old Spice Guy (played by Isaiah Mustafa) has been announced by Bleszinski as a playable character in Gears of War 3's multiplayer.Old Spice Guy confirms that his torso is indeed bulletproof before revealing a shocking end to Gears 3 where war is rejected.Judging by the description of the ending, the nature of the Old Spice adverts and the fact Old Spice Guy refers to Gears as an FPS (twice!) it's probably safe to say this is nothing more than outright jest.Besides, Bleszinski has already said that he fully expects the Gears franchise to continue once this particular trilogy has come to an end, and where there's Gears there's always war.

