GTA V Latest movement points to late 201
Rockstar and Take-Two are unlikely to release the still unannounced Grand Theft Auto V before holiday 2012 at the earliest. That's according to Cowen & Company analyst Doug Creutz, who came to the conclusion after the companies revealed a March 2012 launch for Max Payne 3 earlier today."With the announcement, we are increasingly convinced that we will not see the next Grand Theft Auto title until (at least) holiday 2012," he wrote in an investor note."We doubt that Rockstar would launch two of its titles in close proximity to each other given the studio's elaborate marketing campaigns and the likelihood that GTA could cannibalize sales from MP3 if launched in late spring."Wedbush analyst Michael Pachter said last month he expects GTA V "to sell at least 18 million units" and perhaps as many as 24 million. Tom Ivan
LittleBigPlanet 2 Move patch released, vi
LittleBigPlanet 2 can now be played with the Move controller, confirms SCEA. The patch enabling its use has been released ahead of the 'Move Pack: Rise of the Cakeling' download content, which will be making its way to PSN on September 13. Although you can now use the Move controller, by the looks of the first video below you'll not be doing much moving with it - only the buttons seems to work with current content. The second video however shows how the 'Rise of the Cakeling' content will bring the Move's pointy-wavy magic into play. Check through here for lots more info on what's coming that update. Mike Jackson
Minecraft Android Out September 29
I'll admit it - I love Minecraft. It brings back a lot of fond memories of building ridiculous structures with Legos. Well, on September 29, Minecraft will be heading to Android phones. And on that day productivity will die around the world. Check out the video showing off the touch-screen controls.
GAME to quit price-matching supermarkets
League of Legends Hey, Hey! He's the Wuko
While I’m happy with her new passive, the other changes to her do read more like a flat nerf, with reduced lane sustainability, lowered base stats, and lowered utility on her Reckoning. I like the direction Riot have gone with her rework, but think she’s going to need a little bit more work to become a viable debuffer/support she’s clearly been intended to become.。
Tryndamere switching to a Fury mechanic seems thematically appropriate to me, disregarding how it affects his overall power. From what I’ve seen of him, he still seems a bit on the weak side, but at least he’s now consistently on the weak side, and not swinging wildly from useless to godlike on a match to match basis. He’ll likely get some tweaks soon and become fairly dangerous afterwards.。
After Wukong has Nimbus Striked his way into the faces of his foes, he can follow up with a Crushing Blow [Q]. This attack both resets his attack animation, and reduces target champion’s armour. Currently this ability only reduces the character’s base armour, and not their total armour, which severely limits its effectiveness. This is his worst ability by a long margin, best used only for getting sheen procs and the attack animation resets allow him to get more hits in.。
by Jason Harper (Hhean), OnRPG DotA Reporter。
His ultimate, Cyclone [R], is a stock standard ‘Spin to win’ attack that knocks enemies into the air after the first hit. It’s a serviceable ultimate that does a low amount of damage, best for hitting enemies with the knock up, and then cancelling it. It gives his kit some needed crowd control, but isn’t great as the multi target team fight ability that it likely was meant to be.。
At level 1, grab a rank in Nimbus Strike. Max this first, and use it often. Crushing Blow is a level 2 snatch. Decoy is best grabbed at level 4, when the risk of ganks from a jungler increases dramatically. Once your Nimbus Strike is maxed, go for Crushing Blow, and leave Decoy as the last to level.。
The clone though is the really interesting part of this thing. The decoy itself counts as a champion for the purposes of targeting, so you can use it to bait out ultimates, and block skill shots that usually pass through minions. Combining the decoy with the stealth allows you to both cancel enemy attacks using the stealth, then bait them into wasting something important on your newly gained stunt double. A great example of this is you can use the Decoy to take an Enchanted Crystal Arrow for you, while you stealth off, giggling mischievously at the poor Ashe who just wasted her ultimate.。
For his Masteries, make sure you have 21 in defense. You’re going to be in melee a lot, which means plenty of dangerous situations. Where you put the other nine is up to you, though I’d recommend utility. For Runes, just roll out the standard burly melee page - Armour penetration Marks, Armour Seals, Magic Resistance Glyphs and whatever you prefer in Quintessences.。
Welcome summoners, to the patch v1.0.0.122 article for League of Legends, the game that just loves to monkey around. This patch includes reworks to both Kayle and Tryndamere, limiting the range on global ultimates, new character models and Wukong, The Monkey King.。
His Decoy [W] is by far his most fun and satisfying ability. The more I played Wukong, the more I realized how versatile it is. The stealth component can be used as a gap closer, to mask movement between brush, to get people to guess incorrectly at junctions in the jungle and so on. The stealth also will reset enemy targeting, so if you’re being focused in a team fight by someone like Vayne or Ryze, you can simply stealth and wait for them to start hitting someone else, or your decoy, before you move back into the fight to murder them.。
Wukong is an absolute blast to play. He has a number of failings, most notably his complete inability to jungle, his weak Crushing Blow and lacklustre AoE damage on his ultimate. I don’t think he’s the best melee bruiser by any means, but I certainly think he’s the most fun. I love characters with reactionary abilities, and his Decoy is just an incredible laugh due to how many tricks it allows him to pull.。
Kayle suffered from this more so than Tryndamere, with her passive essentially giving her free gold. The problem though, was if she didn’t get gold, her passive was worthless. Given that not getting gold is really what your team’s support really should be doing in order to funnel money into the carry, she never quite fit into any team. Her new resistance shredding passive helps encourage team play, and means she still benefits from it when acting as the team’s support. Is it overall weaker? If she was a carry, yes, it’s a downgrade. Since she’s a support, this new passive allows her to do her job well, without starving the rest of her team.。
Start out with a regrowth pendant and a health potion. The health regeneration will help in the lane, and it will cheaply upgrade into a philosopher’s stone when you’re done. Then either grab a heart of gold if you’ve been struggling in the lane and are wanting for more gold, or go straight for your sheen, then into trinity force. After that, go tanky. I wish I could recommend things outside of the spotlight, but having played around a bit with the character, I’ve found few better options. If you find something better, please share it on the forums.。
I wish I could comment more on the global ultimate nerfs, but in the time I’ve been taking between patch day and finishing this article, I’ve not seen a single Pantheon or Twisted Fate played. On paper these changes don’t seem too bad a nerf, since it only limits them to hopping from one lane to another, rather than being able to jump from top to bottom in an instant. Their ultimates still give them great maneuverability and map control, it just means their backdooring shenanigans aren’t quite so annoying. It’s clear though that these nerfs have significantly affected people’s perceptions of the characters, and they’ve completely dropped off in usage.。
His laning ability is quite strong, but I’ve been finding his damage output doesn’t scale well into the late game. He seems to be at his peak in the roaming phase, when he can leap into people, use his combo and then trigger his ult to stop escape, ripping their health off quite effectively. His decoy is also at its peak during this time, using it to mask when he leaves a lane for a gank, and Decoy feints are possible without getting slammed by numerous AoE ultimates.。
Wukong is a burly melee damage dealer with some interesting tricks under his elaborate belt. Most of his tools are similar to other characters of this type, so if you’re comfortable with the play style of characters like Xin Zhao, Jax or Master Yi, you shouldn’t find anything too out of the ordinary here.。
I think he’s going to be one of those characters that are going to be largely useless a while, until he gets a few damage tweaks and a fix to his Crushing Blow and he suddenly becomes a monster in the hands of some top player. Right now though, he’s still sleeping in stone.。
His most powerful ability has to be his Nimbus Strike [E], a gap closer, attack speed steroid and farming tool all in one. There is rarely a situation where this ability isn’t worth using every time it’s off cooldown, given its wide utility and low mana cost. The only drawback is it has no crowd control, but asking for more stuff on this ability would just be greedy.。
To discuss some of the changes yourselves, post in the massive League of Legends thread in the free to play MMOs section. If you haven't tried League of Legends yet, you're missing out.。
The reworks to both Tryndamere and Kayle look to have had the same purpose, to reduce their ‘feast or famine’ style of play. In their old forms, they were both too reliant on getting as wealthy as possible as quickly as possible in order to become late game powerhouses.
Report Lulz Security Sony Hacker Arreste
As hacker collective Lulz Security claims it snagged Sony Computer Entertainment's Developer Network source code, newspaper The Epoch Times reports that one LulzSec member, Robert Cavanaugh, is believed to be in FBI custody.The group frequently posts updates on its Twitter, @LulzSec, providing updates and even taunting Sony. In late May, the hacker collective tweeted, "Hey @Sony, you know we're making off with a bunch of your internal stuff right now and you haven't even noticed? Slow and steady, guys."Earlier this week, LulzSec apparently went after Sony BMG and Sony Pictures then broke into Nintendo USA's website. LulzSec Hacker Arrested, Group Leaks Sony Database [Epoch Times]
Sony repeats PSP 'philosophy' for PS Vita
Sony is holding steadfast to the game-centric "philosophy" it attached to PSP when it comes to selling new hardware PS Vita. The platform holder dedicated a significant chunk of its GamesCom showcase in Germany this month to showing Vita's social networking functions and general connectivity - hinting at a change in strategy compared to its handheld predecessor. However, speaking in the latest issue of Edge, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe boss Jim Ryan said that video games software was the priority for Vita - just as it had been with PSP."To the extent that PSP targeted the core gamer who was after a good gaming experience, the philosophy is basically the same," he said. "But I think the nature of [Vita] allows us to provide a differentiated gaming experience in a manner that the design of PSP simply did not allow."He added: "The core principle is to provide the best portable gaming experience possible. It's as simple as that."Ryan commented that PS Vita was seen at Sony as a "true digital device" - unlike PSP or PS2. "Where it ends up is going to be hard to tell at this stage," he admitted, "but it's of considerable interest to us."PS Vita will be launched in Japan before the end of 2011, but won't hit the US or UK until early next year. Watch in HD No comments yet, be the first! Order Edge Magazine and have it delivered to your door. CVG Staff
PS3 to outsell 360 at Christmas unless MS
While Xbox 360 has comfortably outsold PS3 in the US throughout 2011, the recent price cut for Sony's console is having a marked effect, and analyst Michael Pachter reckons Microsoft will have to react if its system is to hold the No.1 position this Christmas. He told IndustryGamers the battle between the two high-definition consoles will be a "close call" this holiday season, but predicted: "If Microsoft does nothing, I think PS3 will outsell Xbox 360."However, my friends at Microsoft are extremely proud, and they absolutely refuse to tolerate the possibility that the PS3 will outsell the Xbox 360. I think they have the ads printed for the Xbox 360 price cut, and will drop them on us the instant they see PS3 sales greater than 360 sales."In the meantime," he added, "I think we'll see a reduction in the price of the Xbox 360/Kinect bundles (similar to Wal-Mart's "goof" last weekend), and Microsoft will use that to keep the PS3 at bay until they decide whether to match price for the console only."In Europe at least, Microsoft said last week it's confident that a range of upcoming Xbox 360 games and bundles will be enough to help the console gain the No.1 position.Starting next week, the Xbox maker will be adding a downloadable copy of Child of Eden to its existing Kinect hardware offering in all Xbox Live territories apart from Japan. Tom Ivan
Assassin's Creed Revelations Trailer - H
Assassin's Creed: RevelationsNews (25)Previews (7)ReviewVideos (26)Screenshots (6)Cheats and WalkthroughsAssassin's Creed: RevelationsNews (26)Previews (7)ReviewVideos (26)Screenshots (6)Cheats and WalkthroughsAssassin's Creed: RevelationsNews (23)Previews (7)ReviewVideos (26)Screenshots (6)Cheats and Walkthroughs We already showed you Ezio's new toy the Hook Blade in Assassin's Creed:Revelations, but get ready to get loud with his latest assassin tool - bombs. Everyone loves blowing stuff up right?And as an assassin, blowing stuff up should help accomplish your tasks with a certain flair that the blades just don't have. Plus, loud noises!Take a look at the trailer now! Assassin's Creed: Revelations "Bomb Crafting" Trailer »
Early Access Tiara Concerto
It feels like each of the games shown at the Gamania Gameshow last week held a strength that made it unique from the others. In the case of Tiara Concerto the defining factor is its animation quality. This game plays well, but each action and reaction from foes and players alike just comes out seamlessly. For anyone familiar with Skies of Arcadia or the Tales of Series, this game will throw you into massive nostalgic shock due to the gameplay style, driven storyline, and air pirate theme coming together. But great animation, pretty outfits, and nostalgia isn't enough to compete in the MMO market so I'll start with the core mechanics and build up to why Gamania is so confident in this game heading stateside.Tiara Concerto bases its character selection on a system of 3-3-2. 3 races, 3 classes, and 2 weapon types per class. This basically leads to 18 potential ways to build yourself as each race provides passives and skill variations and each weapon unlocks new ways to each class.Beast: The beast race is hardier than the others. With higher physical attack power and defensive stats, they are right at home on the front line as any class. What they lack in magic ability they make up with additional combos to help keep foes stunned longer from range.Elves: The elves are the opposite of the beasts in every way, both shorter in stature and extremely vulnerable to taking any kind of damage. It's usually unwise to use any of their melee range abilities unless you are extremely confident in your ability to block and counter an enemy. Their magical abilities are top notch and make devastating use of long charge attacks skills.Humans: Humans are balanced, neither specializing in defense or over the top magical prowess. However their unique execution of skills and freedom to excel on both the front and backline allow them to skill spam like no other and compete quite well with their racial counterparts.Performer: The tank class. They can utilize two-handed swords for maximum offensive power or polearms for long range attacks and skillful aoes.Composer: Composers are mid to long range fighters. They can excel at long range with charged shots from their twin guns or get more personal with the gun blade. Their agility and resistance to critical strikes make them surprisingly resilient in intense boss battles.Tuner: Tuners are the mage/cleric classes, utilizing Harmony and Chord skills to utilize the elements of fire, earth, water, and wind to support their team. They pack the greatest punch in combat but can die just as quickly under the care of an unskilled player. Utilizing your racial specialization to its fullest is key to unlocking the ultimate potential of this class.Tiara Concerto couldn't claim to be a true pirate MMO without an extensive exploration system on its world map. There are constant treasures abound for the keen eye to discover, including musical instruments that can unlock hidden dungeons or even alter currently unlocked dungeons to include new more powerful monsters, challenges, and even storyline. Once inside a dungeon the game changes drastically from an open world sandbox exploration game to a heavily story driven game with missions to accomplish and fast-paced action combat galore.Tiara Concerto uses its beautiful animations to the fullest with the action and reaction system. Every attack, whether done by a player or enemy, features a clear animation signaling the strength and type of attack being prepared. Some AI will actually dodge away or attempt to interrupt your attack, so you better believe you need to be just as active and aggressive to stand a chance. Players can crouch, jump, block, counter, and use various dodge oriented skills to their advantage to escape from enemy attacks. The type of escapes vary from class to class with performers utilizing powerful knock backs and defensive stances, composers using lunging pistol shots, and tuners using snares and long range teleporting. Producer Gabriel Pang even suggested that if they can iron out some of the roughness of dodging skills, they might even introduce platforming challenges into the game such as skillfully jumping and ducking across ropes to board an enemy pirate ship.Although the obvious reason of learning these escape tricks is in order to stay alive, a note gauge system will further reward players for their style. As your gauge increases, you gain access to more powerful Sforzando attacks that will really cut through the most daunting of foes. Though the difficulty of actually building up to the level that Sforzandos unlock means you will likely only utilize them on key moments of the storyline when death is certain without them. Another reason to care about style points is that each individual member of the team will be graded at the end of successfully completing a mission. Those who contributed the most towards the musical gauge will receive higher grades and greater potential rewards, with a bit of luck.Another system in place that really lets players cut loose is the Accent State. Though I'm not entirely sure of the details involved with unlocking this mode, when the little pink haired girl from the trailer sings, your character goes wild. All cooldowns are removed, channeling time increases, and the game is broken down into a spam fest of how many skills you can get off in rapid succession and still duck away from the boss in one piece.Combat intricacies aside, Tiara Concerto further mixes up the medley with mission based objectives beyond kill X and walk to Y. I feel like they haven't quite developed them to the point that this is game changing, but it was still nice to be barraged by endless pirates until destroying their side cannons or infiltrate a pirate ship and search for hostages between decks. Too many MMOs up till now have relied on flat boring maps and Tiara Concerto really adds depth and realism to its flying pirate ships.Very much to the North American press' dismay, PvP was not yet ready at the time of the gameshow. This became even more painful after we learned that they are planning an airship capture the flag mode as well as the standard PvP deathmatch. Many of the skills in this game seem built for PvP and, if done well, PvP could be the difference between Tiara being a success and being a blockbuster title in the western market.Overall this game felt like one of the more solid and complete games showcased at Gamania's Gameshow. My few gripes though must be known as this game has so much potential that I don't want wasted. The deep focus on animation sometimes slows combat down a bit, and you find yourself unable to force your character to react to enemy attacks that should have been dodgeable. I also felt like the game was a bit too casual friendly for an action game, and I would like to see more rhythm actions included in long channeling skills. A game built around a musical theme and not having an element of rhythm based skill charging just seems silly. It was also a bit ridiculous that some performer attacks would launch you straight behind you into your blind spot if you had targeted your foe prior to using the ability. If they make animations cancelable and actions like defending and jumping more responsive, this will be an action game worth counting down for when beta is announced.
Bastion dated for PC
Bastion has been given an August 16 PC release date. Having launched on Xbox Live Arcade last month, the excellent action RPG is hitting Steam first before becoming available on other popular PC portals later this month. The game's currently available for pre-order for £14.99.Developer Supergiant Games has also outlined some new features for the PC version:Gorgeous 1080p ResolutionExperience the lush world of Bastion in stunning detailCustom-Tailored PC ControlsFully redesigned, remappable controls created for PC - plus gamepad supportDRM-freeWhen you buy something it should be yoursSteamworks EnabledCloud saves, Leaderboards, and Steam achievementsCheck out CVG's Bastion review if you haven't already. Tom Ivan
PS3 to outsell 360 at Christmas unless MS
While Xbox 360 has comfortably outsold PS3 in the US throughout 2011, the recent price cut for Sony's console is having a marked effect, and analyst Michael Pachter reckons Microsoft will have to react if its system is to hold the No.1 position this Christmas. He told IndustryGamers the battle between the two high-definition consoles will be a "close call" this holiday season, but predicted: "If Microsoft does nothing, I think PS3 will outsell Xbox 360."However, my friends at Microsoft are extremely proud, and they absolutely refuse to tolerate the possibility that the PS3 will outsell the Xbox 360. I think they have the ads printed for the Xbox 360 price cut, and will drop them on us the instant they see PS3 sales greater than 360 sales."In the meantime," he added, "I think we'll see a reduction in the price of the Xbox 360/Kinect bundles (similar to Wal-Mart's "goof" last weekend), and Microsoft will use that to keep the PS3 at bay until they decide whether to match price for the console only."In Europe at least, Microsoft said last week it's confident that a range of upcoming Xbox 360 games and bundles will be enough to help the console gain the No.1 position.Starting next week, the Xbox maker will be adding a downloadable copy of Child of Eden to its existing Kinect hardware offering in all Xbox Live territories apart from Japan. Tom Ivan