
Links of TheFeed Amazing BioShock Infini

Every now and then there is one piece of cosplay that simply defies description. Such is the case with this amazing BioShock Infinite cosplay, which stars cosplayer Anna as the fragile yet powerful Elizabeth. Honestly, I will be genuinely suprised if 2K Games doesn't immediatelycontact this woman and produce some type ofrmt otional art. Hell, just put her on the cover of the game and call it a day. Check out the pictures for yourself in this week's Links of TheFeed. Amazing BioShock cosplay. [UnrealityMag] The Wonder Twins are close...a little too close. [CollegeHumor] George Lucas' daughter brings the pain. [FilmDrunk] Did Apple lose another iPhone prototype? [Dvice] Cyclops and Wolverine switch powers. [Blastr] The greatest killers in the history of horror films. [Guyism] This toliet will haunt your dreams. [Superbooyah]


