
The climate of the major cold

Like periods of minor cold, periods of major cold are solar terms to express the degree of cold weather. Although modern meteororift goldlogical observation shows that in some regions of China, the weather during a period of major cold is not colder than the period of minor cold, the lowest temperatures of the whole year still occur in the major cold period in some coastal areas.

In the major cold period, the atmosphere circumfluence is relatively stable. The adjustment period of the circumfluence is about 20 days. When the adjustment of the circumfluence appears, a wide range of rain and snow, strong winds and lower temperatures appear.

Because of the perennial major cold in most of China’s southern areas, the rainfall increased little compared with earlier seasons of five to ten millimeters of precipitation. In some plateaus tera goldand mountains in the northwestern areas, the precipitation rain fall can only reach one to five millimeters.

